“Powerful. Transformational. Empowering.
Thank you, Gabrielle, for bringing Walk Unafraid to New York.”— Walk Unafraid Participant during the V-DAY Until The Violence Stops NYC Festival, Summer 2006
A powerful do-it-yourself public art project that any group can do anywhere, the Walk Unafraid initiative empowers survivors of abuse, raises public awareness of the silent epidemic and educates the public to recognize, understand and prevent abuse.
Gabrielle Senza has collaborated with individuals and organizations to bring Walk Unafraid to several locations including:
New York City – in conjunction with the 2006 V-Day: Until the Violence Stops Festival
Pittsfield, MA – in conjunction with the City of Pittsfield, Elizabeth Freeman Center and the Storefront Artist Project
Silver Spring, MD – in conjunction with the Amnesty International Human Rights Art Festival in 2010
To learn more about this project and see more images, please visit www.WalkUnafraid.org